Information for Authors
Speaker Preview
All speakers having symposia in the following rooms:
Andalucia Room 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 (Ground Floor)
España Room 1,2,3,4 and 5 (Lower Floor)
Sevilla Room 1,2 and 3 (Ground Floor)
must load their presentation file (USB) in the Speaker Room A, located at the Exhibition Area.
All speakers having symposia in the following rooms:
Cartuja Room (Ground Floor)
Giralda Room (Lower Floor)
Macarena Room (Ground Floor)
Alamillo Room (Lower Floor)
Niña Room (Ground Floor)
Pinta Room (Ground Floor)
must load their presentation file (USB) in the Speaker Room B, located at Atrio 1.
Presentations must be loaded in the central computer system. There is no possibility to use personal laptops Presentation uploading and revision should be done preferably on the half day before the start of the corresponding session for Monday morning presentations, it is recommended to register and and upload presentations on Sunday.
All computers in all meeting rooms have the following software:
Windows 7
Microsoft Office 2010 (English version)
Venue floor plan (Hotel Barceló).